New Contact Lens Available at UMSL Optometry
by: Dr. Julie DeKinder, OD
The Contact Lens Faculty at the University Eye Center are excited to announce the availability of a new innovative contact lens. EyePrintPRO™ is an optically clear prosthetic scleral cover shell designed to match the exact contours of the individual eye.
The EyePrintPRO™ has been under clinical evaluation and many patients with the numerous corneal conditions have experienced improvement with their comfort and visual acuity.
Mold created of the patient's eye |
Conditions such as keratoconus, irregular astigmatism, ocular surface disease (dry eye), trauma, extreme cases of deformed eyes, pellucid marginal degeneration, chemical burns, post surgical corneas (including corneal transplants and post LASIK ectasia), pinguecula, pterygium, stem cell failure, or simply those who desire better vision and comfort.
The impression process only takes a few minutes and provides a wealth of information about the exact contour of each eye, which is used to make the scleral cover shell.
Each contact lens faculty member has been trained on the impression technique and fitting process. We are looking forward to sharing this innovative technology with our patients
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