WORLD SIGHT DAY By Kristen Kramlich Members of the Class of 2016 and 2017 The UMSL optometry students donned World Sight Day t-shirts on October 8, 2014, in support of their profession. World Sight Day is an annual international event to raise awareness for the importance of ocular health. It was first implemented by the Lions Club to be an advocacy and awareness tool. Today, many organizations support it, such as the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, which affiliates with the World Health Organization in their fight for the elimination of preventable blindness around the world. Approximately, 80% of visual impairment is avoidable (i.e. readily treatable and/or preventable), and WHO has initiated a global action plan in hopes of extending visual health care worldwide by the year 2020. L-R: Past WSD Representative Rachelle Altstadt, SVOSH President, Kristen Kramlich, & Current WSD Rep Allison Schafers UMSL optometry students bec...
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